Ag Ministers Manual
Gospel Publishing House (GPH) is a Pentecostal Christian Publisher Owned and Operated by the General Council of the Assemblies of God. We Are Headquartered in Springfield, Missouri. Gph Books Are Published Primarily with the Assemblies of God and Other Pentecostal and Charismatic Readers in Mind-Pentecostal Books by and for Pentecostal People. The Content of All Our Books Must Be Compatible with the Beliefs and Purposes of the Assemblies of God. However, We Do Publish Many Resources that Are Applicable to the General Evangelical Market. We Hold These Resources to a 'value Statement for Outreach Products' Which States: We Believe the Bible Is the Divinely-Inspired Word of God. There Is Only One God, but He Exists in Three Persons (father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
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So you feel called to ministry! You’ve talked to your parents, your pastor, and other adult friends, and they all agree that you have a calling on your life. Or maybe you are not yet certain, but you sense a strong inclination in that direction.
That’s OK too. Sometimes the Lord doesn’t give us the whole plan up front, but only a step-at-a-time. And we have to discover it through obedience. And so it is OK to explore the idea, and see how God leads you.
To get started, you may Call: 916-379-9600 or Click: the “Get Started” box. However you start, we’ll have a few questions for you, and you’ll have the option of applying via paper or by online. Please know that the online application still requires candidates to have face-to-face meetings with our ministerial team, we are not an internet credential mill! (Only the paperwork is processed online!) Please reveiw the FAQs and Information below.
How long do you intend to be in the ministry? If you intend to go into the ministry at your local church, or with some short-term missions, then you may not need much preparation and certification. The ministry where you will be serving may be able to give you a temporary local-church commission of some kind. However, these certifications are temporary, not-transferable, and won’t qualify you to do ministry on your own. It is very restricted. If, however, you intend to go into ministry for the rest of your life, then you’ll need to do some extensive preparation and certification. You’ll want your ministry to be transferable to other cities and states and qualify you for various ministries.
The New Testament model of ministry is one of regional recognition and influence — even the lesser apostles traveled and were recognized by other churches and cities and were not restricted to one church. And if you intend to make ministry your life, you’ll want to follow this biblical model — you will want to have a certification that is widely recognized. Who do you intend to go into ministry with?
The truth is that ministry can be very lonely—you are going to need friends, you won’t want to go it alone. There will also be times when you will need substantial help — advice, intervention, assistance, and so forth. You’ll want to go into ministry with an organization that has sufficient infrastructure to provide the kind of legal and financial benefits that will become very important to you later in life. You also will want to join a fellowship that is large enough to have lots of opportunities and a variety of opportunities.
And most importantly, you’ll want to go into ministry with a fellowship that agrees with your doctrines and values, and holds their ministers accountable to sound doctrine, moral purity, and financial integrity, and one that has a track-record of success. In short, you’ll want to join a WINNING TEAM, with sufficient RESOURCES to help you, with lots of OPPORTUNITIES for you, and RELATIONSHIPS to walk with you for the long-haul. If I can add, being credentialed with the Assemblies of God opens up tremendous doors of opportunity — because the A/G is recognized in every state in the USA, and over 200 countries world-wide.
The A/G has a wide variety of ministries — churches, schools, foreign missions, domestic outreach, drug rehabilitation programs, and so forth. There are lots of opportunities. The A/G has the infrastructure to provide legal and financial benefits that you’ll need. And most importantly, The A/G holds it’s ministers to a high level of accountability without infringing on their freedom to minister. What kind of ministry do you intend to do? The basic qualification for all ministries in the A/G is a ministerial credential. The A/G provides three levels of credential: Certified, Licensed, and Ordained.
Although there are some restrictions on Certified ministers, Licensed and Ordained ministers are qualified to pursue almost all ministry positions in churches and missions. Ministry positions that interface with other institutions (military, university, professional organizations) may require additional certification or advanced degrees — for example, military chaplains, certified counselors, university professors, and so forth. But 90% of all ministry positions only require one of the three levels of credentials. What kind of education do you need and are you able to pursue? Keep in mind that your educational preparation should accomplish one or more goals: Satisfy the educational requirements for credentialing. Prepare you with the knowledge and skills that you’ll need to be effective in ministry. Prepare you for further education.
Every minister needs to be a life-long learner. The Lord may lead you to further your education. Hopefully, your earlier work will be counted towards advancing your education. Satisfy the requirements for other institutions, if needed. Advanced academic degrees are usually required for military chaplains, licensed counselors, university professors, and other positions that interface with other institutions. Qualify you for secular jobs, if needed.
The plain truth is that most ministers will have to find secular work at some point in their ministry. Hopefully, your education will be recognized by secular companies. You may not have the time, money, and inclination to satisfy all five of these goals. But please remember that the better your education is the more opportunities you will have. I have seen too many ministers scrambling to upgrade their education in order to qualify for a position that they want, or become dismayed to learn that their earlier education did not allow them to advance to a higher level. Don’t limit yourself—get the best education that you can afford.
Let me say a word about accreditation. Many schools are “accredited.” However you need to know that not all accreditation agencies are equal. You will need to ask the school who their accreditation is with. The highest level of accreditation will be “regional accreditation.” On the west coast, the regional accreditation body is Western Association of Schools and Colleges.” Regionally accredited schools must have professors with advanced degrees and offer a variety of programs. They have to meet high educational and institutional standards. Units are transferable to any school from major universities on down.
However they will cost more than other schools. The next highest accreditation body is Association of Biblical Higher Education. Units earned at an ABHE school sometimes qualify for admittance to a seminary for graduate work, and sometimes not. However units from an ABHE school are generally not transferable to secular schools, or much recognized by secular businesses. The next level of accreditation is the Transnational Association of Christian Schools. TRACS are fine schools that offer solid Christian education, and they often qualify to receive federal and state scholarship assistance, but they may not be recognized for advanced work.
Units from TRACS schools are rarely transferable or recognized outside of religious circles. Beyond that there are thousands of non-accredited schools around the country, some of them provide a decent education, some of them may even qualify for ministerial credentials, but you’ll have to check each one out individually to verify this for yourself. One easy (but not empirical) way to determine the quality of the school is to ask the school representative to name five notable graduates from the past 10 years and five from the past 25 years. And ask yourself, “Do I admire their graduates?”. What about internship programs and discipleship schools like Master’s Commission or Youth With A Mission? These programs usually specialize in spiritual formation and discipleship, and should not be confused with ministerial training schools — they usually don’t offer the kind of theological and technical training that is necessary for ministry leadership. There are exceptions to this — some may offer academic training that satisfy credentialing requirements, but many do not.
And since there is no standardization between these schools you will have to check out each one individually. (Even in terms of spiritual formation and discipleship, some of these schools are considerably better than other ones — please check it out thoroughly.) One good thing about internship programs and discipleship schools is that, like traditional college programs, they are residential programs—students live on-campus and are required to interact with other students 24/7.
Much of the spiritual, intellectual, and personal development that occurs in these programs occurs outside of the classroom— it is a result of relationships and discussions that occur in the dorms, dining rooms, and chapels. Non-residential programs don’t provide this level of interaction. This is especially beneficial to younger students. At this point you might be thinking, “I don’t want to bother with education, preparation, or credentialing. I’ll just go into ministry right now!” In fact, you might even find a church or ministry that is willing to employ you without your preparation. However I want to caution you against that for two reasons:. You are leaving yourself with no options.
You may have a position right now, but ministry is a very fragile vocation. What will happen to you if the church can’t afford to pay your salary, or if the pastor simply decides to let you go? What if you want to move into a new position or to a new city? If you haven’t prepared yourself, you will leave yourself with very few options. The Bible discourages ministry without verification and accountability. The Bible commands the church to test those who would become leaders.
Our doctrine states that we recognize a ministry that is “divinely called and scripturally ordained.” It doesn’t matter if you have a call from God, or how spiritually gifted you might be, if you haven’t been scripturally ordained then you shouldn’t be in the ministry. A church that employs a non-ordained minister is playing with fire. For those over 35 years of age If you are over 35 and you are interested in ministry, I presume that you’ve been around the church for awhile. You may even have already served in the ministry for several years already. You probably have a family, a career, and you may even have a secular degree of some kind — and so you may not need the residential/accredited education that I’ve mentioned above.
Is designed with you in mind. Global/Berean provides distance education that you can pursue at your own pace, and that is inexpensive. Basic Qualifications. Salvation.
Testimony of having experienced the new birth (John 3:5). Baptism in The Holy Spirit. Testimony of having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the initial physical evidence of speaking in other tongues according to Acts 2:4. The Spirit-filled life will enable a minister to fulfill the threefold mission of the church (Article V, paragraph 10, of the Constitution).
Evidence of Call. Clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry, evidenced by a personal conviction, confirmed by the work of the Spirit and the testimony of fellow ministers. Christian Character. A blameless Christian life and a good report of those who are without (Titus 1:7; 1 Timothy 3:7).
Doctrinal Position. A thorough understanding of and agreement with our doctrinal position as contained in the Statement of Fundamental Truths. Assemblies of God Polity.
A satisfactory working knowledge of the principles, practices, and purposes of the Fellowship through a study of the General Council and District Council Constitution and Bylaws. Commitment to The Fellowship. An active loyalty to our constitutional agreements, a cooperative spirit, and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of older mature Christians and those in positions of authority.
Basic Education Requirements. Any level of formal academic achievement (diploma or degree) shall not be a requirement for credentials; however, credential applicants shall meet the following criteria.
Ministerial Studies Program Due to action taken by the General Presbytery, the Ministerial Studies course requirements are now fully in effect. The new educational requirements each level went into effect starting August 1, 2005. For a short time any student who may have begun any level under the old program will be allowed to complete that level before moving to the new program. Some courses may need to be substituted depending on availability.
Upon completion of the Ministerial Studies courses, you will have met the minimum academic requirements needed to apply for credentials. Successful completion of these courses should prepare you for the credentialing interviews and test. Education Options If you have not attended one of our Assembly of God schools, there are several ways to complete the required courses for the credential you are seeking: Global University, our Assemblies of God correspondence school, or Through an endorsed Assemblies of God postsecondary schools AG Colleges & Universities, or A seminary, college, bible college, or school approved by the District Credentials Committee.
If you attended other schools, we are happy to evaluate your transcript. Global University courses may be taken at the Institute Level or College Level.
However, if you wish to receive academic credit, you must take the courses at the college level. If you choose the college level and intend to pursue credentials with the Assemblies of God, you may be eligible for a 20% discount on tuition. Please contact the Credentials Administrator for further information. Berean School of the Bible under Global University offers the majority of these courses via the Internet. Visit for more details or call 1-800-443-1083. If you are interested in more information on the credentialing process, please see the Credentialing Procedures information or call the Credentials Administrator’s office at (916) 379-9600 x1121. MINISTRIES LICENSE (Current students advancing from “Old Certified Minister” program see Transitional Plan).
THE 211 Intro to Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective. BIB 212 New Testament Survey. BIB 214 Old Testament Survey.
BIB 215 Romans: Justification by Faith. MIN 223 Introduction to Homiletics. THE 245 Eschatology: A Study of Things to Come.
MIN 251 Effective Leadership. MIN 261 Introduction to A/G Missions. MIN 281 Conflict Management for Church Leaders. MIN 291 Intermediate Ministerial Internship.
Credentialing Interviews The Sectional Leadership Committee in each section conducts all Final Credential Interviews, at a time and place arranged by the applicant’s Sectional Presbyter. If you are already in the process or just beginning the process of applying for your credential, as soon as your file is complete it will be sent to your presbyter for your final Credential Interview. When your file is complete a letter will be sent to you requesting that you contact your Sectional Presbyter to arrange the date and time. It is wise to call the Presbyter as soon as you are notified, so you are scheduled at the first opening available.
There may be times where it is necessary to wait a month or two for the Credential Interview appointment. The formal Credentialing Interview does not eliminate or replace the Initial Presbyter Interview “get acquainted interview” with your presbyter for License or Recognition of credential applicants (a form is included with license application packets). Certified or Licensed: No Timelines files sent to Presbyter for final Credential Interview on an ongoing basis.Allow 5+ months. Ordination: Fully completed ordination application files including the formal credentialing interview are due absolutely no later than November 14th. Your Presbyter must have time to conduct the final interview and return the application files to the District Credentials Administrator office by this deadline.Allow a minimum of 5+ months for this process. Due to the time involved in processing individual applications, the following timeline is strongly encouraged.
Assemblies Of God Ministers Manual
PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!!. June 15th Last day to request official application. July 15th Official Application received by the Credentials Administrator. Sept 15th Completed final Exam received by the Credentials Administrator. Oct 1st Last day to receive references; file must be complete.
Nov 15th Credentialing Interview must be completed.