Health Final Review Guide Answers
Certified in Public Health Exam Review Guide Certified in Public Health Exam Review Guide will prepare you for the Certified in Public Health Exam administered by the National Board of Public Health Examiners. Addressing the most up-to-date public health tasks, this book will pave the way for your professional achievement in the field. Each chapter provides a review of critical content (tasks, references, and cases studies and/or vignettes), allowing you to test your practical knowledge. Answers are explained, allowing you to obtain a fuller understanding of the content presented.
Together, the editors and authors possess years of academic experience creating interdisciplinary, dynamic, and visionary learning opportunities for public health students.
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well being & not merely the absence of disease. Health Father of Epidemiology. Cholera 'mapping' John Snow Established health reports. Lemuel Shattuck Founded the Germ Theory of Disease Louis Pateur WHO is an international health agency. Governmental 'The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and injuries in human populations.' Epidemiology Diseases that occur regularly in a population Endemic diseases An unexpectedly large # of cases of disease in a particular population.
Epidemic The 6 parts of the chain of infection Pathogen. New host The 2 types of transmission Direct and indirect 2 examples of direct transmission Direct contact and droplet spread 3 examples of indirect transmission Air, Vector, and Vehicleborne 4 examples of portals of entry Mouth, skin, intravenous, and gastrointestinal The forestalling of the onset of illness or injury during the pre-pathogenesis period (before the disease process begins) Primary prevention The early diagnosis and prompt treatment of diseases before the disease becomes advanced and disability becomes severe. Secondary prevention Is to retrain, reeducate, and rehabilitate the patient who has already incurred disability Tertiary prevention What is the age pyramid? What were the leading causes of death during the early 20th century? Infectious and communicable diseases The time from the moment of exposure to an infectious agent until signs and symptoms of the disease appear. Incubation period An outbreak of disease over a wide geographical area such as a continent. Pandemic An unexpectedly large number of cases of disease in a particular population Epidemic A disease that occurs regularly in a population Endemic disease Infectious diseases for which health officials request or require reporting for public health reasons Notifiable diseases The study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and injuries in human populations.
Health Final Exam Review Answers
Epidemiology The number of years lost when death occurs before the age of 65 or 75. Years of potential life lost Statistical summaries of records of major life events Vital statistics A set of criteria for deciding whether a person has a particular disease or other health-related condition. Case definition Two groups are studied - allow for testing of hypotheses about relationships b/t health problems Analytical studies Compares those diagnosed with a disease with those who do not have the disease. Case/control study Ratio of odds of exposure among cases to odds of exposure among non-cases. Odds ratio Compares non-diseased groups and whether exposed or unexposed to a factor determines rates of disease.
Cohort study Measure of association b/t incidence of disease in unexposed group & exposed group Relative risk A study carried out under controlled conditions. Use statistical t-test or F-test to test probability of differences b/t groups. Experimental A federal law that required all states to adopt legislation that prohibits the sale and distribution of tobacco products to people under 18 Synar ammendment. © Copyright 2018, Koofers, Inc. All rights reserved. The information provided on this site is protected by U.S. And International copyright law, and other applicable intellectual property laws, including laws covering data access and data compilations.
Health Education Final Study Guide Answers
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