1421 Ferndale Avenue Dallas, Texas 75224 214 942-8496. ( Lake Elevations). TSPS MANUAL OF PRACTICE for Land Surveying in Texas, 9th Edition, 1999. approved by the TSPS membership on Oct.

Tsps Manual Of Practice

(from The Arbor Day Foundation). (native Texas Trees). Official Public Records (County Clerks). County Appraisal Districts. (subdivision maps!). (subscription).

(free). (Tax Maps Free). (free). Cities.

ManualManualTsps Manual Of Practice

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Facebook. Twitter 0 I've recently learned that the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors (www.tsps.org) is looking to possibly revise/update the Manual of Practice. Currently, in its twelfth addition, this manual has been in use since 1977 and contains ten (10) different categories (specifications) for a variety of surveys. As a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the great State of Texas myself, I began to wonder how this manual is being used. I am seeking input from my contacts here on LinkedIn, and beyond, as to how, if at all, you use this manual.

Here are some of the questions I'd like answered from those that perform land surveys here in Texas, or those that deal with land surveys:. Do you have a copy of the manual?. Do you refer to these standards in the normal course of your work?.

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Category 1a Condition Ii

Do you make reference to the standards on any formal documents you produce? This can include the survey itself, contracts, correspondence, etc. Which of the ten (10) categories do you use most often?. What would you like to see revised in the manual, if anything?. Are any existing standards, such as the ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey standards, used more often, or are they more relevant?. Are all categories relevant to today's surveying world?

Tsps Standards & Specifications

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and hopefully post your own comments! Any comments are appreciated and will be passed along to those that are taking the time to work on updating this manual. Hoebelheinrich, RPLS/PS.