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  1. Service Manual Renault Clio 3

. Contents Page MANUAL GEARBOX Section and tightening torques (in daNm) 21-1 Tightening torques (in daNm) 21-3 Gears 21-4 Consumables 21-5 Capacity - Lubricants 21-5 Parts to be systematically replaced 21-5 Special tooling 21-6 Repairing the gearbox 21-7. MANUAL GEARBOX MANUAL GEARBOX Section and tightening torques (in daNm) Section and tightening torques (in daNm) JH GEARBOX 21-1. MANUAL GEARBOX Section and tightening torques (in daNm) JR GEARBOX 21-2. MANUAL GEARBOX Tightening torques in daNm Tightening torques in daNm Description Torque in daNm Gearbox edge bolt Secondary shaft bolt Primary shaft nut Rear cover bolt Reverse gear switch Clutch slave cylinder bolt Control shaft bolt Catch bolt Speed sensor bolt for sequential gearbox 21-3.

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MANUAL GEARBOX Ratios Ratios JH GEARBOX Reverse Final Index Type Speedometer gear drive JH1-002 Twingo 11/37 22/41 28/37 30/29 41/31 11/39 15/56 21/20 JH1-003 Twingo 11/37 22/41 28/37 30/29 39/32 11/39 15/58 21/20 JH1-007 Twingo 11/37 22/41 28/37 34/35 39/32 11/39 15/61 21/19. MANUAL GEARBOX Consumables Consumables Type Packaging Parts Stores No. Unit Molykote BR2 1 kg tin 77 00 421 145 Sunwheel splines Housing assembling faces Loctite 518 24 ml syringe 77 01 421 162 Switch threading Fixed gear and 5 gear hub Loctite FRENBLOC 24 cc bottle 77 01 394 071. MANUAL GEARBOX Special tooling Special tooling B. 22-01 Bearing extractor tool B.

Renault clio 2011 workshop manual

31-01 Set of punches for roll pins B. 945 Sunwheel oil seal gasket inserting tool (JH) B. 946 Sunwheel circlip replacer B. 949 Selector fork roll pin rem/ref tool B. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Repairing the gearbox – the rear housing. This must be removed along the Removing and handling the parts must be carried horizontal axis of the gearbox because it has a out on a workbench with a knockproof cover lubrication spline which is located in the primary shaft (thick rubber or plastic).

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Drive in the 5 gear fork pin using B. Remove the 5 fixed gear using tools B. Remove the 5 gear fork and the sliding gear. 19823 Remove the outer bolts from the mechanism housing. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox It is advisable to place two magnets or to close off the Rotate the reverse gear shaft assembly to the left and openings (C) to retrieve the locking balls and springs remove the reverse/5 gear fork shaft.

For shafts 1/2 and 3/4. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Take the pin out of the 3/4 gear fork using B.

949 and remove the shaft and 3/4 gear fork assembly. At the same time, remove the primary and secondary shaft assembly with the shaft and the 1/2 gear fork.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Remember to retrieve the inhibiting pegs (A) and (B). MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox JH SECONDARY SHAFT 21-12. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Removing the sprocket Put the secondary shaft in a vice fitted with a clamping jaw and remove the sprocket assembly. Use circlip pliers on one side and flat-nosed pliers on the other when removing and refitting stop rings. Checking parts The sprocket teeth and the claws should not be chipped or excessively worn. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox REPLACING THE BEARINGS IN THE MECHANISM Fit the bearings using tool B.

HOUSING Knock the tool with the bearing using a small hammer. Separate the circlips with circlip pliers and drive the bearing inside the housing using tool B.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Remove the primary shaft bearing guide using a 38 ∅ Replacing the bearings on the clutch housing tube. Cut the base of the plastic hollow needle located at the centre of the bearing. 1165 and extract the bearing. 19819 Refit the bearing guide using tool B. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox JR SECONDARY SHAFT 21-16. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Removing the sprocket Checking parts The 2, and 4 gear supporting rings are fitted The sprocket teeth and the claws should not be tightened.

Service Manual Renault Clio 3

They will be systematically replaced during chipped or excessively worn. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Refitting the sprocket NOTE: the 1/2 gear has dual-cone synchronisation, bring the notches of the synchro rings together with A heating plate with a setting of 150°C should be used those on the hubs and gears. For refitting. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox REPLACING THE BEARINGS ON THE PRIMARY Extract the secondary shaft bearing cone using an SHAFT anti-sticking pin. Remove the bearings on the press using the anti- sticking pin. Refit the cone on the press. Refit the bearings on the press using a 25 ∅ tube.

Drive out the bearings cups on the housing side of the mechanism using a 55 mm diameter tube. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Refit the bearings cups on the housing side of the Refit the bearing using tool B. Mechanism using a 60 mm diameter tube. 5 Drive out the primary shaft bearing cup using a 38 ∅ extractor. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox SETTING THE PRE-TENSIONING OF THE A A Rotate the secondary shaft several times to fit the SECONDARY SHAFT BEARINGS bearings. NOTE: this operation is only carried out when B B Set the dial gauge to zero. Replacing the bearings.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox SETTING THE CLEARANCE OF THE PRIMARY A A Rotate the primary shaft several times to fit the SHAFT BEARINGS bearings. NOTE: this operation is only carried out when B B Set the dial gauge to zero.

Replacing the bearings. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox REMOVING THE DIFFERENTIAL REPLACING THE BEARINGS Remove the O-ring.

Crownwheel side Tap the lip seal using a drift and a small hammer to Insert a small bar into the casing and place it flat on pivot it. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Sunwheel side Refit the differential in the housing.

Remove the bearing retaining circlip (A). Fit a wooden shim under the crownwheel. On the press, move the bearing towards the inside of Fit the circlip (B) on the head (1) of tool B. 946 and the housing using a 50 mm diameter tube.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox REMOVING THE DIFFERENTIAL Remove the unit mounting nut. Remove the O-ring. Tap the lip seal using a drift and a small hammer to pivot it. Remove the seal, taking care not to damage the splines of the sunwheel. 19811 Retrieve the bearing pre-tensioning setting shim (A).

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox REPLACING THE BEARINGS REPLACING THE RACES REMOVAL REMOVAL Lift and remove the bearings using an anti-sticking pin. Drive out the bearing races using a tube inserted in the housing.

REFITTING Fit the bearing races until they touch the housing shoulder using tool B. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Refit the differential in the housing, with the bearing The differential must rotate under a load of between: lightly oiled. – 0.5 and 2 daNm for reused bearings, – 1.6 and 3.2 daNm for new bearings. Fit the sunwheel side bearing, the pre-tensioning setting washer and the nut. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox CONTROL SHAFT JH1 control shaft A prevention valve is fitted on the housing (A) of the control shaft. An O-ring (B) ensures that it is sealed tightly. After removing the pin from the selector finger (C), remove the mounting bolts and remove the control unit.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox REFIT THE SHAFTS Gently lift the 3/4 hub and fit the 3/4 gear fork and shaft. Fit the primary and secondary shafts with the 1/2 gear fork at the same time. Pin the fork using tool B.

19809 Fit the 1/2 gear shaft locking peg (A). MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Fit the 1/2 and 3/4 locking springs and balls in the Fit the 5 gear shaft (A) and the reverse gear shaft (B) mechanism housing and press them down using tool by gently lifting the primary shaft.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Apply a line of Loctite 518 to the gasket face. On the secondary shaft: Engage 3 gear.

Put three drops of Loctite Frenbloc on the splines of the fixed gear and fit it using tool B. Introduce the housing while guiding the control shaft into 3 gear, fit the locking spring and ball as the 5. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Refit and pin the 5 gear fork. Put the gearbox back in neutral.

Fit a new O-ring. Fit the rear cover and tighten the bolts to torque (2.5 daNm). 3 Fit the reverse gear switch. Select 1 gear using the gear lever and 5 gear. MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Fit the clutch shaft seal gasket using tool B. 1601 for JR gearbox. 19805 Refit the clutch slave cylinder and tighten the bolts to a torque of 2.1 daNm.

MANUAL GEARBOX Repairing the gearbox Refit the differential outlet seal gasket using tool JR GEARBOX B. 945 for the JH gearbox and B. 1058 for the JR gearbox. 945 shield (A) on the sunwheel and position the oiled seal gasket with tool B.