
Many departments of mathematics, physics and engineering now use some form of diagnostic test to assess the basic mathematical skills of new undergraduates 1. Results reveal that a typical cohort consists of students with a diverse range of mathematical backgrounds and capabilities. Tests also help to identify those students who lack both confidence and competence and are deemed to be at risk of failing or dropping out in Year One. It is now commonplace for those teaching first year mathematics to be faced by an inhomogeneous student cohort and all are in accord that it has become almost impossible to teach them effectively together. It is against this background that streaming of first year undergraduate physicists into two more homogeneous groups has been introduced at the University of Leeds. The aim is to provide more effective teaching and mathematics support that will get students up to speed and mathematically prepared for their second year.

Physical Science Study Guide Worksheet


Study Guide Physical Sciences And Mathematics Games

Analysis is made showing how Helmholtz and Gibbs energies conveniently interrelate enabling typical 2-D and 3-D curves to be drawn across a range of temperature for selected chemical equilibria. Opposing influences leading to a free energy minimum or an entropy maximum are given a physical explanation with the attainment of equilibrium and the choice of conditions made evident. Simplifying assumptions are emphasised and the examples show how the data are manipulated, limits evaluated and trends in equilibrium summarised by EXCEL charts.